California Department of Education | California Department of Education
California Department of Education | California Department of Education
The grade with the second highest number of students was fourth grade, with 3,374 students, or 8% of the student body.
The school that had the highest number of kindergarten students in Sacramento City Unified School District during the period was Leonardo Da Vinci, while Capital City Independent Study had the fewest.
Overall, Sacramento City Unified School District enrolled 42,308 students, ranking as the 14th highest enrolled district in California for the 2023-24 school year. It ranked 12th highest in the previous school year.
California's public schools face a growing financial crisis driven by declining enrollment and an increase in chronic absenteeism, both impacting the state's school funding model.
Enrollment, which peaked at 6.3 million students in the early 2000s, has steadily declined to under 6 million today, with projections indicating it could fall below 5.2 million by 2032. This trend is attributed to lower birth rates, slowed immigration, and families relocating out of state due to high housing costs. Rural and coastal districts have been particularly affected, facing tough decisions such as school closures and staffing reductions.
At the same time, chronic absenteeism has surged from 12% pre-pandemic to 25%, disproportionately impacting younger students and jeopardizing their long-term success.
School | Total Enrollment |
A. M. Winn Waldorf-Inspired | 389 |
Abraham Lincoln Elementary School | 511 |
Albert Einstein Middle School | 609 |
Alice Birney Waldorf-Inspired | 481 |
American Legion High (Continuation) | 155 |
Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School | 185 |
Bowling Green Elementary School | 703 |
Bret Harte Elementary School | 189 |
C. K. McClatchy High School | 2,481 |
Caleb Greenwood Elementary School | 497 |
California Middle School | 753 |
Camellia Elementary School | 344 |
Capital City Independent Study | 356 |
Caroline Wenzel Elementary School | 203 |
Cesar Chavez Intermediate School | 380 |
Crocker/Riverside Elementary School | 636 |
David Lubin Elementary School | 455 |
Earl Warren Elementary School | 417 |
Edward Kemble Elementary School | 464 |
Elder Creek Elementary School | 755 |
Ethel I. Baker Elementary School | 616 |
Ethel Phillips Elementary School | 430 |
Father Keith B. Kenny | 235 |
Fern Bacon Middle School | 647 |
Genevieve Didion | 615 |
George Washington Carver School of Arts and Science | 178 |
Golden Empire Elementary School | 449 |
H. W. Harkness Elementary School | 278 |
Hiram W. Johnson High School | 1,627 |
Hollywood Park Elementary School | 260 |
Hubert H. Bancroft Elementary School | 398 |
Isador Cohen Elementary School | 324 |
James Marshall Elementary School | 334 |
John Bidwell Elementary School | 276 |
John Cabrillo Elementary School | 357 |
John D. Sloat Elementary School | 220 |
John F. Kennedy High School | 1,888 |
John H. Still | 734 |
John Morse Therapeutic Center | 16 |
Kit Carson International Academy | 490 |
Leataata Floyd Elementary School | 221 |
Leonardo Da Vinci | 829 |
Luther Burbank High School | 1,574 |
Mark Twain Elementary School | 247 |
Martin Luther King Jr. | 327 |
Matsuyama Elementary School | 437 |
New Joseph Bonnheim (NJB) Community Charter | 252 |
New Technology High School | 152 |
Nicholas Elementary School | 474 |
O. W. Erlewine Elementary School | 283 |
Oak Ridge Elementary School | 432 |
Pacific Elementary School | 638 |
Parkway Elementary School | 449 |
Peter Burnett Elementary School | 389 |
Phoebe A. Hearst Elementary School | 657 |
Pony Express Elementary School | 370 |
Rosa Parks Elementary School | 744 |
Rosemont High School | 1,515 |
Sam Brannan Middle School | 377 |
School of Engineering & Sciences | 532 |
Sequoia Elementary School | 439 |
Success Academy | 7 |
Susan B. Anthony Elementary School | 314 |
Sutter Middle School | 1,184 |
Sutterville Elementary School | 406 |
Tahoe Elementary School | 302 |
The MET | 221 |
Theodore Judah Elementary School | 447 |
Washington Elementary School | 319 |
West Campus | 881 |
Will C. Wood Middle School | 666 |
William Land Elementary School | 331 |
Woodbine Elementary School | 271 |