Doris O. Matsui tweeted the following:
".@988Lifeline is the new national number for suicide prevention, mental health. and substance use crises. You can text or call 988 to reach a trained crisis counselor, and #988Lifeline services are available 24/7 at no cost to the caller. Learn more"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Doris O. Matsui:
"The #InflationReductionAct, signed into law by @POTUS this week, will #ActOnClimate by: reducing air pollution in underserved communitieslowering greenhouse gas emissionslowering the barrier to solar accessextending tax credits for homes w/ clean energy technologies"Read on Twitter
"It's Summer Sun Safety Month! As temperatures continue to rise in Sacramento and throughout the state make sure that you're protecting your skin and staying hydrated this month" on Aug. 18Read on Twitter
"August is National #BackToSchool Month! Before your children get back to campus and into the classroom, make sure that they're vaccinated against diseases like #COVID19. #DontWaitVaccinate and talk to your children's doctor today or visit" on Aug. 17Read on Twitter